Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy Birthday to the Babies!

Today was the big 1 year group birthday party for our hospital group. It was so fun to see all the babies and how much they have grown! They had so much fun playing AND eating cupcakes. Yes...Riley got her first bite of sugar today. I know it was not her "offical" first birthday but hey...all the kids were doing it :)


Friday, January 8, 2010


When Riley was born we were offered the opportunity to be placed in a new parents group. We had heard amazing things from friends about it so we quickly signed up. When the babies were around 3 months old a group of about 12 parents and babies began to meet every other week. It was a fabulous hospital sponsored program and I felt so lucky that it was available to us. Not only did we meet a great group of people but we also learned a ton of information.

Tomorrow we are having a 1 year group birthday party for all of the babies. 1 YEAR!!!! I cannot believe Riley is almost a year old. Wow.

Anyways....tonight I am making cookies for this par-tay. yummmmm....

These are my "Go-To" cookies. They are amazing...and its really hard to just eat one. If you are interested in making some of your own go here: You can thank me later :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I want my living room back!!!!

When I was right out of college I decided to make a "smart" decision and buy a condo (instead of renting an apartment). What seemed like a smart decision at that time has been a thorn in my side since then. The place was great for a single girl out of college. But now...many, many, many years later it is NOT good for a husband, wife, baby and crazy puggle. With the Michigan economy how it is right now its next to impossible to get rid of this thing. So here we are .... In a tiny condo .... making good use of every single square foot.

We do have things in the works and hopefully sometime in the very near future we will be in a real house, with a real play room and plenty of room for this crazy family.

Until then....the *tiny* living room is currently the "playroom"...... ugh.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Oh the shame

What is 5?? and I have already failed. I know I know...I missed a day yesterday. Oh the shame.

The fact is ... I was sick. I have not felt good the past couple days and yesterday I had to run a ton of errands. By the time I got home all I wanted to do was crawl into bed. I don't really feel much better today, but thankfully I had no errands to run.

Riley is currently obsessed with books. We have A TON so this is a great thing. She will bring books from her room into the living room (aka play room) constantly throughout the day. Oh my little reader!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Another Day in the Living Room

New Years Resolution #1 was to take a picture a day and post it here. Well its January far so good :) I have to admit though...its COLD here and its hard to get outside and DO things (i.e....hard to find new places to take picture that are not in my teeny tiny living room). Well...about 3 more months of Winter here in Michigan...hope you don't get bored of my living room!

New Years Resolution #2 was to get in better shape (isn't that everyones resolution?). Anyways....that started today and I got off my butt (and out of my living room) and made it to the gym. It was nice getting back on the treadmill and it helps that I workout at an "off" time so the gym is basically dead. Lets hope I can keep up with this resolution as well!

And now...back to the living room...

I know this one is a little blurry....but thought it was too cute not to include.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Someday I will learn to knit.....

Well...I have been saying that for years. HOPEFULLY someday I will learn how to knit. So many people have made such fabulous things for Riley. Hats, pants, soakers, blankets...etc. I love each and every wool piece that we have.

When we were still in Chicago a woman at Jersey Boys made the CUTEST outfit for Riley. Today we decided to take some pics in it!

Working very hard on her "Busy Zoo"

So Serious...

"I have all these toys but a hair band is way more fun"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lazy Saturday

It was cold in Michigan today. I think the high was that meant with the wind it was below zero. Yuck. Not good for a babies skin! So we spent most of the day inside in our PJ's.

Turns out Toby was annoyed with our lazy day and decided to get our attention. Ugh. Bad Dog.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolution

I am a crappy blogger. I will FULLY admit to that.

I also love taking pictures but usually get lazy and forget to break out the camera.

That is why ONE of my New Years Resolution is to take at least a picture a day and blog about it. I can't guarantee that I will keep with this past 1 day...but I will seriously try! number one begins with a little New Years baby photoshoot...